Huddersfield Textile Society President’s Message 2014-15

Published: 12th September 2014

I would like to thank the committee for its faith in voting for me as your president for the next two years.

We had a very successful annual Society dinner with 200 members and friends enjoying the evening and proving yet again in our 111th year that we are doing some things very well. Thanks to the committee and Adrian and Graham for their hard work and support.

I hope to build on Chris Wilkinson’s excellent lecture series by inspiring all our members and your colleagues with new developments in our industry and successful practitioners in other areas, specifically my own area of design ,marketing and branding.

I believe if we are to survive as an industry, we need to continue to learn from other marketers and brand builders to bring added value to our excellent craftsmanship amongst the 60 local member companies and individual members of the Society.

We have just launched a new members’ website, which we hope will engage all our members and their colleagues in our member companies.

Our Facebook friends and Twitter feeds are growing quickly and that's thanks to Linda Lewis,  who has been helping us with her expertise over the past few years.

We are working to link up with other similar organisations to ourselves, which will further expand our areas  of continual learning in this very competitive world.

Stephen Sheard.